Wednesday, April 13, 2016

And here is a red balloon...

Banksy, Balloon Girl (with added "hope" motto)
Republished and updated from a long-dead Wordpress blog...

Not 99 red balloons, just two. One for a funny, dear friend from grad school and one for someone who is indescribable and remains a source of inspiration.

If either of you see this post, please, please get in touch, as both of you, individually, added something sweet, spicy and utterly irreplaceable to my life's journey. Like a reflection of another person that somehow teaches you more about yourself.

Atop the Acropolis?

My dear Katerina Ftikou. (FOUND! WooHoo!)  I have lost you. Phone numbers go astray when one moves from the UK to other regions. My practically medieval phone worked in Belgium but died thereafter and took your details to the ethereal realms with it.

So wherever you are, in Northern England scratching away at your beloved mosaics or consolidating some spalling Greek stonework, do put down the brush and scalpel for a moment and send me a feisty message or two. Your light and vicious sarcasm are missed.

What you may recall of our exploits:

University carrier vans
Salisbury Cathedral
Palm reading
Terrible British cigarettes
Heinous roommates
Lectures in the rain
Pub food
Masonry dust
Miniature hydraulic lifts
Toothbrushes in graveyards

Lost in a catacomb? Perhaps Parisian, or stateside?

Where in this earthly realm did Aaron Benoy disappear to? You are still thought of, fondly, on frequent occasion. Possessed of an intellectual tapestry like no other: wit, artistry, technical sorcery – yet invisible to the eyes of the dastardly interwebs. Alright, Snowden, I am less skilled and far less private.  So, my identifiable details...

What you may recall from back in the day:

Worcester State
Sakura Tokyo
T.G.I. Fridays
Amherst Brewing Co.
Clove cigarettes
Black eyeliner
The Cure
The Clash
The Pixies
Aorta emk
Laika the Dog

What I've been up to (over the last umpteen years):

Grad school in Europe
Conserving ancient buildings & gravestones
Starting my own "business" – Read that as doing what I love. –
Becoming Canadian
Writing things
Raising boys – Ugh, skateboarders. Why am I plagued with smart-assed skateboarders? – :-P
Studying languages – Distinctly NOT coding languages, mind you. –
Loss & resurrection
Travel, travel, travel
Writing more things


Well, there you have it. The world has ended, an eventuality set into motion by a thing as mundane as a bag of red balloons.

When the dust settles, I think of you both and release these final two. Their red orbs float placidly away in search of recognition.

Let the sky be the deciding factor.